L’hégoumène Nestor (Sirotenko) devient archimandrite
Le patriarche Cyrille de Moscou et de Russie a célébré le 28 août, fête de la Dormition de la Mère de Dieu, la divine liturgie à la cathédrale de la Dormition du Kremlin de Moscou.
Lors de la célébration, il a élevé à la dignité d’archimandrite l’hégoumène Nestor (Sirotenko) qui avait été élu le 31 mai 2010 par le Saint'Synode évêque de Caphes, auxiliaire du diocèse de Chersonèse.

Avant la liturgie le patriarche a béni à nouveau l’icône du Sauveur découverte sous une couche d’enduit sur le portail de la tout du Sauveur du Kremlin. L’icône a fait l’objet d’une restauration. C’est délibérément que l’icône avait été dans les années vingt du siècle dernier camouflée par cette couche d’enduit afin de la sauver de la destruction.

Rédigé par l'équipe rédaction le 28 Août 2010 à 19:02 | 2 commentaires | Permalien


1.Posté par Hiéromoine Nicolas le 29/08/2010 12:23
A l'occasion de l'élévation à l'épiscopat du très digne P. Nestor, il me semblerait judicieux que votre site reproduise les puissantes, profondes et opportunes paroles du Patriarche Cyrill de Moscou telles que les rapporte OCA news (à charge pour vous de les traduire si cela vous semble bon) :

• Moscow, Russia
On August 22nd, Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow spoke of new bishops. According to a recent a release from the Press Office of the Patriarchate: “His Holiness expressed his joy over the fact that during the visit two patriarchal episcopal consecrations were performed, with the highest level of service to the church given to pastors who strove not after honors, but gave their whole lives to the “humble, not very noticeable, but sincere service to the Lord.” According to His Holiness, “there is something to think about” the fact that to the congregation of bishops of the Russian Orthodox
Church were joined people such as Archimandrite Panteleimon (Shatov) –a pious pastor, who spent many years of carrying out parish obediences and who raised four daughters, and Archimandrite Veniamin (Likhomanov) - “a monk, confessor, modest, educated man who never boasted about his education and humbly served in those places where he was sent. The most repulsive thing in the Church is monastic careerism - stressed the Primate. - I think the two consecrations which took place in Solovki – send a very clear signal to all of our monks, whose heads spin with thoughts of episcopacy and who believe that there is no life, if by reaching thirty years they have not become archimandrites.

“All corrupt careerism in the church - this is what needs to be eradicated, and with God’s help, we’ll deal with it, - said His Holiness. - And everyone who really wants to become a bishop, I want to warn: the Patriarch sees it and is unlikely you will become bishops. The Bishopric will be for those who are not seeking it. His Holiness said that the consecration of Father Panteleimon was supposed to be performed on Aug. 10 at the Novodevichy monastery, but in those days the capital was covered with the smoke of forest fires and so His Holiness was asked to cancel the Patriarchal Liturgy in order to avoid a large gathering of people and not to endanger people’s health. The Primate called Father Panteleimon and said that consecration would be postponed. “He told me quietly in response:” Maybe it can be canceled? “ - said the Patriarch. - Thank you, Vladyka Panteleimon, for these words - they warmed my soul. “ “I think that we should treat the Episcopal service thus: the lot fell on you – take it, if the lot does not fall on you - do what is your occupation, - added the head of the Russian Church. - After all, before God we all stand in line not by the order of our ordination, and not by the number of crosses, and not by whether you serve in a mitre or kamilavka. It may come to pass that the Patriarch will be standing behind a cleaning lady and will look into her eyes and say “Maria Ivanovna, could you pray for me ...” “ “We have very clearly understood that our ecclesiastical career is a relative thing, not having any direct connection to our salvation, - reminded the Patriarch Kirill. - God gives strength and understanding, pay attention to the conciliar wisdom of the Church – you will be made a bishop, a Metropolitan and a Patriarch. “You need to be there where you carry out your ministry - Carry it with boldness, prayer and love.”

2.Posté par Irénée le 31/08/2010 14:10
Orthodoxie.com annonce le sacre épiscopal de l'archimandrite Nestor pour le dimanche 5 septembre.

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